Innu Language Project Publications

Materials produced under the auspices of the ILP

Mobile apps
  • the online Innu dictionary
  • the Innu dictionary app for iOS and Android
  • print dictionaries: Innu-English, English-Innu
  • Cancer Care and Body Part Terminology
  • Innu Medical Glossary
  • Innu Teaching Terms
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Terms
  • Innu Legal Terms (Family Law)
  • Innu-aimun Legal Terms (Criminal Law)
  • Innu Numbers Booklet / Mushuau-atshitashuna, Sheshatshiu-atshitashuna

In collaboration with the NL Department of Justice and Public Legal Information Association of NL (PLIAN):

  • Innu-aimun Legal Terms: Criminal Law / Kaueueshtakanit innu-aimuna (Labrador dialects)
  • Innu-aimun Legal Terms: Family Law / Kaueueshtakanit innu-aimuna: Uikanishimauat (Labrador dialects)

In collaboration with the Innu Nation, Environment Department:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment Terms / Tshe ishi-matenitakuak atusseun aimuna (Labrador dialects)

In collaboration with Mamu Tshishkutamashutau – Innu Education Inc., the Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Health Department, and Health Canada:

  • Innu Medical Glossary / Natukunishiu aimuna (Labrador dialects), with accompanying mobile app with sound files. (2014)
Traditional stories

The ILP published a set of 29 Innu myths and legends, which were collected in Sheshatshiu, Labrador by Madeleine Lefebvre and Robert Lanari in 1967. Several audio recordings of the stories were made available on as well.

Language-learning materials
  • CD and Manual of Innu Conversational Phrases / Innu aimitau (Labrador dialects), which developed into the Innu Conversations and Innu Terminology Forum
  • Labrador Innu-aimun: an introduction to the Sheshatshiu dialect, Clarke and MacKenzie (Innu lesson book and CD)
Children’s books

In Collaboration with NL Department of Education:

Eleven Kindergarten level readers for the Social Studies Program (in English, Innu and French)

Unit 1: Identity / Eshinakushiat / L’identité

  1. My Day / Anutshish e tutaman / Ma journée
  2. Setting Up a Tent / E manukashunanut / Monter une tente
  3. I am Special / Nitishpitenitakushin nin / Je suis spécial
  4. Where I Come From / Ekute Uetshian / D’où je viens
  5. Food I Love / Mitshim Eshiuitshitiman / La nourriture que j’aime

Unit 2: Roots / uikanishimauat / Les racines

  1. A Far Away Friend / Iatassit utshiu nuitsheuakan / Une amie au loin
  2. Then and Now / Ueshkat kie anutshish / Hier et aujourd’hui
  3. Building a Sweat Lodge / Tshimatakanu matutishanitshuap / Construire une cabane à suer

Unit 3: Place / assi kie utenaua / Le lieu

  1. Maps are Fun / Assiu-mashinaikana minuenitakuana / J’aime les cartes
  2. What I See / Tshekuan eshi-uapataman / Ce que je vois
  3. I Like to Travel / Niminuaten e papamipanian / J’aime voyager

Uapikun Series

  • Innikuess inniu / Tea Doll Comes to Life (2006)
  • Nishtutamu anutshish Uapikun / Uapikun Learns a Lesson (2006)
  • Uapikun uapatamu Mishta-shipinu / Uapikun and the Mishta-shipu (2006)
  • Uapikun upuamun / Uapikun’s Dream (2006)

In Collaboration with the Chief Veterinary Officer, NL Department of Natural Resources and the NL Department of Education:

  • Uapikun Learns About Rabies (2013)

Original Children’s Books (Written and Illustrated by Teachers and Classroom Assistants during ILP writing workshops)
(Second editions and books produced in 2010 and more recently include glossaries at the back of each book; 8 additional books are currently in production)

  • Ishkuess ueshkat tsheshkutamashut / A Little Girl’s First Day at School – by Annie Rich; illustrated by Francesca (Siska) Snow (2009)
  • Ka aimit nitem / My Dog Speaks – by Elizabeth Gregoire (2009, 2012)
  • Metuatshetau atshitashuna: e tapitushtakaniti atshitashuna / Fun with Numbers: Multiplication – by Jacqueline Gregoire (2010)
  • Metuatshetau atshitashuna: eshkupanit atshitashuna / Fun with Numbers: Subtraction – by Jacqueline Gregoire (2010)
  • Metuatshetau atshitashuna: mamu etshitakaniti atshitashuna / Fun with Numbers: Addition – by Jacqueline Gregoire (2010)
  • Tanien mak umushuma natshi-kusseuat / Daniel and Grandfather Go Fishing – by James Poker; translated into Innu by Mani Shushet Mishtanapeu and Anne Rich (2010 (English),  2012 (Innu))
  • Tshan ka natshi-kusset / John Goes Fishing – by Mani Shan (Abraham) Poker (2010, 2012)
  • Tshishkutamatsheu Kiti / Katie Teaches – by Joyce Rich (2010, 2012)
  • Uapukun kussikuashu / Uapikun Learns to Sew – by Elizabeth Nui; illustrated by James Poker (2010)

In Collaboration with the Naskapi Development Corporation:
Innu Versions of Naskapi Children’s Books

  • Sheshush inniu / Jesus is Born (Mushuau dialect)
  • Nukum Mini minu-massinitsheu / My Grandmother Minnie Makes Good Boots (Labrador dialects)
  • Ka unishit atikuss / Little Lost Caribou (Labrador dialects)

In Collaboration with the Labrador Institute of Memorial University:

  • Innu version of Labrador Inuit myth The Polar Bear in the Rock
  • Labrador Innu myth The Man Who Married a Beaver
Academic books and articles
  • A Grammatical Study of Innu-aimun Particles, Will Oxford
  • “Innu oral dominance meets schooling: New data on outcomes”, article in Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Burnaby, Philpott
  • “Un dictionnaire innu révisé et augmenté” in Newsletter of the Teachers of the Basse Côte Nord, Mailhot
  • “A brief overview of Labrador Innu place names”, MacKenzie (Web publication on
  • “Pronunciation Guide to Innu Place Names”, MacKenzie (Web publication on
  • « An Innu dictionary for all. » Newfoundland Quarterly 6:1:49-52.
  • A Specification Language for Agglutinative Aboriginal Languages for use with Fine-State Spelling Correction, MSc Thesis, Keating 2011
  • “Self-perceptions, Generational Differences, Prestige and Language Loss in the Innu Community of Sheshatshiu”, article in Papers of the 37th Algonquian Conference, Thorburn 2006.
  • Towards a grammar of Innu-aimun Particles, MA Thesis, Oxford 2007.
  • The Phonology of reduplication and initial change in Sheshatshiu Innu-aimun, MA Thesis, Burgess 2009.
  • Language attitudes and use in the Innu community of Sheshatshiu, Labrador, MA Thesis, Thorburn 2006.