How To Cite Us

To cite the blog, please choose your style:

Mollen, Y. (2011-present). Blog d’Yvette. Retrieved from

Yvette Mollen. Blog d’Yvette. 2011-present. Web. [Date].

[Date] = the date you accessed the page, styled as follows: 13 Dec. 2013


To cite the grammar, please choose your style:

Junker, M.-O., Mollen, Y., & St-Onge, H. (Eds.). (2011-present). Grammaire innue / Innu Grammar / Aimun-Mashinaikan. Retrieved from

Marie-Odile Junker, Yvette Mollen and Hélène St-Onge (Eds.). Grammaire innue / Innu Grammar / Aimun-Mashinaikan. 2011-present. Web. [Date].

[Date] = the date you accessed the page, styled as follows: 13 Dec. 2013


To cite individual pages or sections, please use the “Cite” buttons located on each page.


Funded by:
SSHRC, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada [grants #856-2009-008, and #435-2014-1199 to Prof. M-O. Junker, Carleton University].
Heritage Canada
Institut Tshakapesh
Interface Design and Development
Delasie Torkornoo
HTML Editing
Gabrielle Lacroix (2011-present)
Comments and Suggestions
Jérémie Ambroise (2014-present) Laurel-Anne Hasler (2014-present)